Neopets Kelp

I feel obliged to update on what has happened since I last wrote on purplepoogle...

I have NOT been cured of my Neopets obsession. Its not as horrible as before, whereby wherever I was, I *had* to be home by 9pm just to visit the Snowager...
I guess my colleague Guide

The Giant Brown Kelp is a gardening item. Description: Hooray. Statistics: Type: Gardening. Neopets Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site. Note: We typically add false inflation alerts on any items that have jumped 300% or more in price compared to our current listed price. We typically only do this for items costing 100,000 NP, or buyable items that have gone unbuyable.

systemworks starting to get uninterested in the game has helped me. We challenge each other in neopets, and we can talk about neopets for quite a fair bit! Thing is, he has the patience to try and make neopoints through restocking Altadorian petpets, and I don't. I'm afraid he's going to catch up to my bank account!

Kelp, much like The Golden Dubloon on Krawk Island, is a restaurant that sells highly priced meals. It is frequently very busy, making entering the restaurant difficult. Clients are greeted at the door by the owner, a Maraquan Scorchio, and served their food by the Maraquan Uni waitress. Kelp opened its doors on April 21, 2005. Neopets.Com - Virtual Pet Community! Join up for free games, shops, auctions, chat and more! Kelp Restaurant What is Kelp? Kelp is one of Neopia's finest restaurants. With it's fantastic location in the centre of Maraqua and it's delicious courses on the menu, its one of Neopia's hot spots; everyone wants to go there and everyone wants to be seen there.

Since I last wrote, here are my neopian achievements:
+ now have 6.85million neopoints in my name
+ completed a World Challenge map and got a White paintbrush and 2000 NP. I am now all for World challenges! I used to do 2 types of WCs - Trouble @ National Neopian and Defender Trainer but now I only do Defender Trainer. National Neopian is getting too difficult!
+ completed Neoquest and gotten a bronze trophy. Yup, no longer need to rely on Pyramids for random events, haha! I'm now in the midst of getting the silver trophy, I'm at level 44 now I think. *blur* When I'm online, I deactivate Javascript to do other stuff though, so that's why I'm not playing as intensely as before. After this, I'll play Nq2 because systemworks says that its awesome, much better than NQ.
+ gotten a bronze trophy in Defender Trainer. I'm quite good at it now! =) Of course there's always room for improvement...
+ gotten a Shenkuu trophy (3rd place) for Altador cup. Gosh, if I knew they were giving away Darigan paintbrushes, I would've played a million times more Slushie Slinger!
+ Did a few half-hearted battledome stuff. I've trained SuperLeech up quite a fair bit too... of course, still not as great as she could be...
Aside from trophies and such, I do aim to train SuperLeech a bit more to take part in the next site events that are coming up.

Neopets Kelp


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Who else loves the latest games from Neopets? The Search for Princess Lunara is easy neopoints, and so is Mop N Bop! =)