The Mountain Lion install image that we need to create either the bootable DVD or the bootable USB flash drive is contained within the Install OS X Mountain Lion file we downloaded from the Mac App Store.
Jan 19, 2015 Control Click on the “Install OS X Mountain Lion” app and choose “Show Package Contents” Navigate through Contents Shared Support InstallESD.dmg and double click to start InstallESD.dmg A volume “Mac OS X Install ESD” will appear after verifying. Use that installer inside that Volume. This works also on Lion. Look in the “Shared Support” folder located under the “Contents” folder of the “Install Mac OS X Mountain,” and copy the file named “InstallESD.dmg” to your desktop. This file is a bootable disk image of OS X with the Mountain Lion Installer already installed. You will need this file in step three. Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard came as a Universal Install DVD. Apple do not support any OS older that is more than 3 generations behind the current OS (support for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion was dropped this year with release of Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite). So it became abandonware in my eyes. I keep the 'Install Mac OS X Lion' around on my Applications folder. I also made a bootable drive using InstallESD.dmg. I have three Mac computers so having the bootable Lion install drive makes it easy to install/re-install on all Mac computers. I keep the 'Install Mac OS X Lion' as another backup copy just in case I need InstallESD.dmg again.
Because the image file is contained within the downloaded file, we need to copy it to the Desktop to make creating the bootable image as easy as possible.
How Install OSX Lion on PC EASY INSTALL First of All this is my Hardware: Dell OPTIPLEX 760 Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.0Ghz RAM: 2GB 1333 Mhz DDR3 VGA: Integrad IntelGMA4500 64Mb Audio: onboard Full working Network: Intel WG82567LM Full working Graphic: working with NO QE/CI Monitor: Dell 22.
- Open a Finder window, and navigate to your Applications folder (/Applications).
- Scroll through the list of files and locate the one named Install OS X Mountain Lion.
- Right-click the Install OS X Mountain Lion file and select 'Show Package Contents' from the pop-up menu.
- You will see a folder named Contents in the Finder window.
- Open the Contents folder, and then open the SharedSupport folder.
- You should see a file named InstallESD.dmg.
- Right-click the InstallESD.dmg file and select 'Copy InstallESD.dmg' from the pop-up menu.
- Close the Finder window and return to the Desktop.
- Right-click on an empty area of the Desktop and select 'Paste Item' from the pop-up menu.
Pasting the item to the Desktop can take a bit of time, so be patient.
When the process is finished, you'll have a copy of the InstallESD.dmg file that we need to create bootable copies.
With Mountain Lion's InstallESD.dmg file copied to the Desktop (see previous page), we're ready to burn a bootable DVD of the installer. If you would rather create a bootable copy on a USB flash drive, you can skip this page and go on to the next page.

- Insert a blank DVD into your Mac's optical drive.
- If a notice asks you what to do with the blank DVD, click the Ignore button. If your Mac is set up to automatically launch a DVD-related application when you insert a DVD, quit that application.
- Launch Disk Utility, located at /Applications/Utilities.
- Click the Burn icon, located in the top right corner of the Disk Utility window.
- Select the InstallESD.dmg file you copied to the Desktop in an earlier step.
- Click the Burn button.
- Place a blank DVD into your Mac's optical drive and click the Burn button again.
- A bootable DVD containing OS X Mountain Lion will be created.
- When the burn process is complete, eject the DVD, add a label, and store the DVD in a safe location.
Creating a bootable copy of Mountain Lion on a USB flash drive isn't difficult; all you need is the InstallESD.dmg file that you copied to your Desktop on page 2 of this guide (and a flash drive, of course).
Erase and Format the USB Flash Drive
- Insert the USB flash drive into your Mac's USB port.
- Launch Disk Utility, located at /Applications/Utilities.
- In the Disk Utility window that opens, scroll through the list of devices in the left-hand pane and select your USB flash device. It may be listed with multiple volume names. Do not select a volume name; instead, select the top-level name, which is usually the name of the device, such as 16GB SanDisk Ultra.
- Click the Partition tab.
- From the Partition Layout drop-down menu, select 1 Partition.
- Click the Options button.
- Make sure that GUID Partition Table is selected from the list of available partition schemes. Click OK. Warning: All data on the USB flash drive will be deleted.
- Click the Apply button.
- Disk Utility will ask you to confirm that you wish to partition the USB device. Click the Partition button.
The USB device will be erased and partitioned. When that process is complete, the flash drive is now ready for use as a bootable device for OS X Mountain Lion.
Copy the InstallESD.dmg File to the Flash Drive
- Make sure the USB flash device is selected in the device list in Disk Utility. Remember: do not select the volume name; select the device name.
- Click the Restore tab.
- Drag the InstallESD.dmg item from the device list (it will be near the bottom of Disk Utility's device list; you may need to scroll down to find it) to the Source field.
- Drag the USB flash device's volume name from the device list to the Destination field.
- Some versions of Disk Utility may include a box labeled Erase Destination; if yours does, make sure the box is checked.
- Click Restore.
- Disk Utility will ask if you really wish to perform a restore, which erases all information on the destination drive. Click Erase.
- If Disk Utility asks for your administrator password, provide the information and click OK.
Disk Utility will copy the InstallESD.dmg data to the USB flash device. When the copying is complete, you will have a bootable copy of OS X Mountain Lion ready for use.
Installesd.dmg Missing Os X Lion Free
Credits to for a beautifull guide.
Click here to return to the '10.7: How to download the OS X Lion Installer on Lion' hint |
Please note, this does not work if your version of Lion came pre-installed.. such as on one of the new Mac Mini 2011's.... You will get a message stating 'This version of Mac OS X 10.7 cannot be installed on this computer'
But maybe this hint should be renamed '10.7: How to RE-download the OS X Lion Installer on Lion' because I'm pretty sure that when you buy and install an app for the first time, no matter what, the installer run by itself and install the app and then vanished (as in, there's no real way to get a complete copy 'before' the first install). Of course, this doesn't apply to Lion (and possibly others apps) since Lion ask you if you want to do the install now, once the download is complete (thus giving you time to get a copy of the app), I might be wrong 'tho.
Ok, what am I missing. I just tried this with 3 different Apps (Reeder, Mac Tracker, and Skitch) and none of them seemed to work. Held option key while clicking the app link (not the 'Installed') from the 'Purchased' tab and then held option while clicking the 'Installed' link on the App page. I also couldn't get the 'error' message to appear if I didn't hold option on the second click.
Running OS X Lion 10.7.1 and App Store 1.1.1 (88)
The title of this hint is 'How to download the OS X Lion Installer on Lion,' not 'How to download the Reeder, Mac Tracker, and Skitch Installers on Lion.'
same here.
I don't get an error-message and no app will re-download until I delete it. With other Apps I don't see a reason to do this since they are all self-contained but the Lion-Installer would come in handy for making an Install-Disc.
But besides: How would I know the App redownloaded??? It's allready in the Apps-Folder otherwise I wouldn't be a re-download...sooooo...?
This is weird indeed. It definitely works with the Lion Installer (if you purchased Lion on the App-Store).
It also worked with several Apps on my Mac, i.e. Text Wrangler (which is a Free App). But after you commented I tried with other Apps, and it didn't work. For example I tried the Xcode Installer, and couldn't re-download it.
I can't even see a system, which works and which doesn't. Should have checked that more thoroughly when I submitted the hint. I was too focused on the Lion installer.
This does exactly what all the other hints for this topic do: NOTHING :(((
Why does it Apple make so hard to redownload this installer???
I had the same problem when I installed Lion on the first day of its release and found out the hard way that the installer is deleted after the installation is completed (Apple, that was not very user friendly).
Anyway, to get the Lion installer again, I simply booted on the Snow Leopard clone I made on another volume before installing Lion on my main partition (I hope everybody does this before updating to a new OS version). There I opened the App Store and went to the list of purchased apps. The Lion label was now 'Install'. I simply clicked on it, entered my password and an hour later I had the new Lion installer.
Then, I opened the installer's content to get the InstallESD.dmg and made a permanent installer on a USB stick, which I can use now to reinstall Lion whenever I need it.
I can't get this to work with any app, including the Lion installer. I option-click on the app's name or icon in the Purchased window and get the app's page. I then Option-click the Installed button and nothing happens. If I click on the Installed button, I don't get the alert; nothing happens.
Os X Lion Download
The same for me. Nothing happens.
Fortunately I saved a copy on my original download, which is just as well as it takes me about 8 hours on a good day.
I also tried with the Lion Installer and that didn't work for me either. Not sure what the trick is, but there does seem to be some difference. I wonder if this has something to do with the newer Macbook Air (2011) or Mac Mini (2011) systems that run a slightly different version of OS X?
Where does this get downloaded to? I was able to get it started downloading, but nothing shows up in Downloads or any cache folders I could find. It started to try to re-install Lion, so I just quit the install process. I imagine the installer is on the drive somewhere since I have 4.x some gigabytes less disk space. Any ideas?
Under purchases it shows Lion as being installed, however when I click on the Lion link (using the option key) it then brings up the lion page and shows up with the $29.99 price tag again!
If I click on it (without the option key) it comes up as installed???
This isn't working for me, either. I Option+click on the link from the Purchased section of the App Store. I then Option+click on the word 'installed' and nothing happens. I quite the App Store and went back in and now the 'installed' button is showing the price of $29.99 and clicking on that button wants me to authorize the purchase!
Looking like you will get charged again for Lion.......
This can happen when one has also installed a 'cracked' version of a different piece of App Store software that was originally 'bought' using a different Apple ID. Usually, when you then click on the purchase button it will then ask for your Apple ID and if you enter your own ID (and PW) you won't get charged for the item you really did buy, in the case.. Lion.
I don't have any 'cracked' software on my computer and I'm logged into the App Store with the same Apple ID that was used to purchase the Lion upgrade.
When I try this hint, there is something that doesn't work as written... The hint says that after I do an 'Opt-Click' on the Lion link, I should get on the Lion web page (that's Ok) and see a button labeled 'Installed'... and that's the problem. I see a button labeled 29.99$ !!! I don't want to purchase it again... so I stopped here.
I use a French keyboard so I tried with 'Cmd-click' and 'Ctrl-click' on the Lion link but it doesn't work...
Where does this get downloaded to? That is, from where can I use and move the Lion Installer file?
Thank You
We've written the process up here on
Breaking my server to save yours.
It worked as described for me; the 'Install Mac OS X Lion' app (of almost 4 GB) is downloaded to the main /Applications folder.