- Final Fantasy 8 Emulator Ps4
- Final Fantasy 8 Emulator Cheats
- Final Fantasy 8 Emulator For Mobile
- Final Fantasy 8 Emulator
- Final Fantasy 8 Emulator Pc

This is my Final Fantasy 8 page. FF8 was a decent successor to the series, one which I thoroughly enjoyed playing. But unlike FF6 and FF7, it is ridiculously tedious to conquer. Much like FF4. Read on.

Click here to download my FF8 PSX memory card. Use with PCSX, ePSXe, or another compatible emulator.
Click here to browse my FF8 screenshots.
FINAL FANTASY VIII is the eighth main installment in the FINAL FANTASY series, developed and published by Squaresoft. The gameplay makes a departure from many series standards. While it still uses the Active Time Battle system, it deviates from the series' traditional means of boosting a character's power via leveling, although levels are not. To browse PSX ISOs, scroll up and choose a letter or select Browse by Genre. If you're feeling adventurous, try the advanced rom browser.
My FF8 memcard is layed out as follows:
Final Fantasy 8 Emulator Ps4
Have fun playing the amazing Final Fantasy VIII (EU) game for Sony PSX/PlayStation 1. This is the Europe version of the game and can be played using any of the PSX emulators available on our website. Download the Final Fantasy VIII (EU) ROM now and enjoy playing this game on your computer or phone. Download the PlayStation emulator, there are versions for PC, Android, iOS and Mac. Install the PS emulator compatible with your device. Download the PS ROM of the game Final Fantasy VIII from the download section. Finally, open the PlayStation emulator, it will ask you for the game file. Just select the ROM you just downloaded. There are two components for playing a psx Final Fantasy VIII rom on your PC. The first component is the emulation program which can imitate the psx OS and software. The second component is the Final Fantasy VIII rom itself to play on the emulator. Step 1: you can start by downloading a reliable and bug free emulator.
- Entry 1: Disk 4, ready to take on Omega weapon and/or Ultimecia at your discretion.
- A full set of useful magic on 3 characters, 100 each included spell.
- All GFs at level 100. (GFs Odin and Phoenix also 'acquired')
- All GFs arranged and modded via amnesia greens and rare items such that they are as powerful and useful as is possible.
- All characters at level 100.
- All characters with 255 of each moddable stat. GFs junctioned magic to unmoddable stats.
- All characters equipped with their ultimate weapon.
- All characters possess all their limit breaks.
- A generous stock of items, nearly limitless money. (I love the infinite money glitch...)
- All magazines, including Timber Maniacs.
- Every card.
- Just about everything is as maxed out as it gets. You can't be more uber than this.
- Entry 2: Disk 3, just before the point of no return, AKA heading into Lunatic Pandora, facing Seifer, etc. Characters are just as maxed as in Slot 1.
- Entry 3: Aboard the Lunar Base.
- Entry 4: Just before the Lunar Cry.
- Entry 5: Just after you enter Esthar.
- Entry 6: Just before you enter Esthar.
- Entry 7: Just before the fight with Edea in Galbadia Garden.
- Entry 8: Just before the battle with Galbadia Garden.
- Entry 9: Zell's house, during the siege of Balamb.
- Entry 10: Just before your garden becomes mobile.
- Entry 11: Just before Quistis, Selphie, and Zell trap Edea for her assassination.
- Entry 12: Just before Squall and Irvine save Rinoa from Edea's summoned creatures.
- Entry 13: Just before Rinoa foolheartedly attempts to disable Edea with an Odine Bangle.
- Entry 14: Just before your dance with Rinoa after you pass the SeeD test.
- Entry 15: Just before you fight the giant mechanical spider in your SeeD test.
Final Fantasy 8 Emulator Cheats

Final Fantasy 8 Emulator For Mobile
- OST - The original soundtrack has been ripped into PSF files, which you can legally download here among other places. (Ripping Info, Wikipedia Entry On FF8 OST)
- Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec - A full orchestra version of selected OST songs composed by Nobuo Uematsu - Wikipedia Entry
- Piano Collection - A piano version of selected OST songs performed by Nobuo Uematsu - Wikipedia Entry

Final Fantasy 8 Emulator
Final Fantasy 8 Emulator Pc
- A quick note to people playing FF8 via an emulator. DO NOT take Rinoa with you to the Garden in Disk 2 when your party splits up. Put her on Selphie's team to attack the missle base. If she goes to the Garden with you, your emulator will make you stuck after the bonus FMV when your Garden becomes mobile and you go out to the deck to see. I spent many hours googling for a solution. There doesn't seem to be any solution except this one. This problem affects PCSX abd ePSXe. I am willing to bet it is a problem in other emulators as well.
- How do you max out all your stats without junctioning magic? Easy... er... well sort of. It's actually just tedious. If you study the refinement process long enough, you'll notice that items like Str Up and and Spr Up can all be refined from common items. You can get all of them except Evade and Hit. The problem is, most of these processes involve you refining 100 of some item won in battle just to get one stat bonus item. And you're going to need hundreds of stat bonus items to max your characters' stats. Here's the chart:
By my calculations, you'd need to fight millions, possibly even billions of battles depending on your luck in order to get the necessary raw material to refine them all. My patience not being quite that limitless, just like in FF4, I resorted to hacking my savegame in order to fully conquer the game. For the record, my savegame is 100% legit all except for the natural stat bonuses. I hacked those into the game. - What? You didn't hack in any Pocketstation items? Actually, I did. I got 3 Ribbons for my GFs. But other than that, nope, sorry. I could have, but what would be the point? All that's worth getting besides those is the MiniMog summon. And it won't work unless you actually have a Pocketstation.
- So how did I get so much absurd quantities of money? Easy! Er... well tedious! FF8 has a glitch, much like FF7's W-Item bug, except that this glitch allows us to generate infinite money. Here's how it works. Get GFs Tonberry and Leviathan. Learn Tonberry's Haggle and Sell High abilities. And learn Leviathan's Recovery Medicine Refine ability. Now buy 100 tents, convert them into mega potions using Recovery Medicine Refine, and sell the mega potions back to the shop. You get nearly 200k gil in profit! Run your emulator on a speed mode and run a macro to do this then go to sleep. Wake up next morning to absurd quantities of gil.
- How in the hell did I get every card? Nope, no cheating this time. The card game is actually very simple. Only a few nasty rare ones impede collectors. A guide may be included here later.
- Another note about cards: refining them is virtually pointless. A lot of people gush at the prospect of refining all their cards at the end of the game, but if you look at the list of stuff you can actually get from them, you'll find it's nothing you can't get normally in the game with the exception of the items like Holy War. As for that, who cares? With 255 each stat you're virtually invincible anyway. And with Rinoa's Invincible Moon limit break, you really don't need them. That's why I didn't bother hacking any into my game when I hacked in my stat bonuses and ribbons. So what is the point of getting every card then? Because having them all is cool! And you get that neat little star next to the Card menu item...
- How do I get Quistis' Shockwave Pulsar? Refine 100 Curse Spikes using Siren's Tool Refinement ability. Siren must be at level 100 for this to work.
- How do I get Selphie's The End limit break? Pure luck. The chances of you landing it when you cycle through her slots are extremely low. BTW, if you think you're missing one of Selphie's breaks, don't worry. She only has four. They're Full Cure, Wall, Rapture, and The End. Selphie is arguably the most powerful character in the game, what with her ultimate weapon giving her 255 natural hit and her The End limit break obliterating most enemies, including bosses, and even Omega Weapon. But I just don't have the patience to sit around slotting for it. My preferred party of Zell, Squall, and Rinoa is powerful enough.
- What do I get for collecting all the Timber Maniacs magazines? Absolutely nothing. Yep, that's right folks. All it does it make Selphie's little web page in the Garden Computer have a few blurbs about Laguna's past. The benefit for collecting them all is having her tell you a more complete story of Laguna's past. Sounds interesting, but it's really not. Nothing in those magazines isn't anything you won't learn just by beating the game.
- Don't understand FF8's enigmatic story? Here is an explanation in the form of a timeline.
A minus symbol denotes the past. (!) denotes the beginning of FF8's causality time paradox.- -4000
- Centra civilization founded
- -80
- Centra civilization destroyed by its excavation of Crystal Pillar and subsequent Lunar Cry it triggers
- Surviving Centrans create Dollet Empire in the west and Esthar in the East
- -44
- Laguna Loire born
- -22
- Laguna meets Julia Heartilly; provides inspiration for 'Eyes On Me'
- Laguna is sent to scout Esthar's excavation of Crystal Pillar in Centra Crater (this event starts the Sorceress War); he promises Julia that he will return to her
- -20
- Sorceress Adel, under Ultimecia's control, sends Esthar troops across the world to hunt for Ellone
- Laguna leaves the Galbadian military and moves to Winhill after being rescued by Raine
- In Winhill, Ellone's parents are killed when resisting Esthar soldiers who try to kidnap the girl. The soldiers leave empty-handed
- Ellone is taken in by Raine
- -18
- Quistis Trepe and Seifer Almassy are born
- Julia Heartilly gives up waiting for Laguna and marries General Carraway
- -17
- Laguna marries Raine
- Esthar abducts Ellone, thus enabling Doctor Odine's research on her to begin
- Laguna pursues, but injures himself and is taken to the Shumi village to recover
- Odine discovers Ellone's unique talent and begins tinkering on the machine that will eventually allow Ultimicia to reach back in Time
- Laguna captured entering Esthar and put to work in the Lunatic Pandora laboratory
- Laguna joins Adel Resistance and escapes incarceration. He tracks down Odine and recovers Ellone
- Lunatic Pandora / Crystal Pillar dumped in ocean because of Laguna
- Adel tricked by Laguna at Sorceress Memorial and sealed; Adel placed in planetary orbit with three Ragnarok ships, thus ending the Sorceress War
- RF interference from Adel's Tomb blankets planet making radio transmission nearly impossible
- Laguna appointed president of Esthar
- Ellone sent back to Winhill
- Squall Leonhart, Rinoa Heartilly, Selphie, Zell and Irvine born
- Raine dies giving birth to Squall
- Ellone and Squall sent to orphanage
- -12
- Julia Heartilly dies in a car crash
- (!) Future-Squall and Sorceress Ultimicia appear at the orphanage after Squall defeats her in battle during Time Compression
- (!) Edea Kramer accepts sorceress powers from dying Ultimicia. In doing so, she sets off an event which is to be forever repeated
- Garden founded in Balamb by Cid and Edea Kramer, with funding from Shumi 'black sheep' NORG
- Squall and Seifer moved to Balamb Garden
- Zell adopted by Dinchts
- Quistis moved to adoptive parents
- -10 or 11
- The Kramer's build an orphanage ship for Ellone to keep her from Esthar's Dr Odine
- -4
- Zell Dincht enrolls at Balamb Garden
- -3
- Quistis qualifies as a SeeD after leaving her adoptive parents; she didn't like her new home and subconsciously missed Squall
- -1
- Quistis becomes a Balamb Garden instructor
- The Present:
- Ellone visits Balamb Garden, paying a visit to a drowsy Squall as he recovers from a combat injury
- Selphie transfers to Balamb Garden from Trabia
- The Future:
- Sorceress Ultimecia rises to power and declares war on SeeD
- Ultimecia becomes aware of Odine's 'Junction Machine Ellone', developed over the years and now fully capable of shifting consciousness into the past.
- Ultimecia learns of the machine's origins and of Ellone, and begins to draw her plans for Time Compression and world domination
- (!) Squall and Sorceress Ultimicia appear at the orphanage after Squall defeats her in battle during Time Compression
- (!) Edea Kramer accepts sorceress powers from dying Ultimicia. In doing so, she sets off an event which is to be forever repeated
- -4000