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Scope of studies and length 300 ECTS credits, 5 years |
Qualification awarded Dental Doctor in Odontology, Master in Health Sciences |
Application period 1 January - 1 June |
Language English |
Tuition fee per year 12 960€ |
1 September |
The programme of Dentistry is aimed at educating dentists, which is a state-regulated profession. Its design is in accordance with the general requirements for the integrated studies set out in the Republic of Lithuania's valid legal documents and are also fully consistent with the requirements laid down in the European Directive 2005/36/EC. The programme in Dentistry encompasses compulsory subjects of theoretical and practical teaching. Each discipline tries to balance the theoretical and practical approaches to maintain the level of university education.
Essential Clinical Anatomy of the Nervous System is designed to combine the salient points of anatomy with typical pathologies affecting each of the major pathways that are directly applicable in the clinical environment. In addition, this book highlights the relevant clinical examinations to perform when examining a patient’s neurological. Essential Anatomy 3.0. A 3D app used to educate people on the anatomy of the human body. WebEx Player 2.1. Excellent interface for watching videos from the titular.
Programme structure
Course unit title | credits |
Course unit title | credits |
1 semester Compulsory courses Biochemistry Human Anatomy I/II p. Human Biology and Genetics in Dentistry Human Histology Latin and Professional Language Elective Courses General Education Modules | 30.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 |
2 semester Compulsory courses Fundamentals of Microbiology. The EcoSystem. Human Anatomy II/II p. Human Physiology Introduction to Dentistry. Legal Aspects Public Health and Dental Public Health Elective courses General Education Modules | 30.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 |
3 semester Compulsory courses Basics of Pathology Basics of Professional Communication and Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment of Elective courses General Education Modules | 30.0 5.0 5.0 15.0 5.0 |
4 semester Compulsory courses Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment of Fundamentals of Radiology: General and Dental Pharmacology. Clinical Pharmacology. Laboratory | 30.0 20.0 5.0 5.0 |
5 semester Compulsory courses Basics of diagnosing and treating childhood Fundamentals of Anesthetics and Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment of Oral Surgery I/III p. Prosthetic Dentistry I/IV p. | 30.0 5.0 5.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 |
6 semester Compulsory courses Basic Neuroscience Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment of Oral Surgery II/III p. Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases and Course Prosthetic Dentistry II/IV p. | 30.0 5.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 |
7 semester Compulsory courses Fundamentals and Preparation of Research Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment of Oral Surgery III/III p. Prosthetic Dentistry III/IV p. | 30.0 5.0 15.0 5.0 5.0 |
8 semester Compulsory courses Fundamentals and Preparation of Research Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment of Fundamentals of Maxillofacial Surgery. Ear, Orthodontics Prosthetic Dentistry IV/IV p. | 30.0 5.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 |
9 semester Compulsory courses Fundamentals and Preparation of Research Treatment Planning of Diseases of the | 30.0 5.0 25.0 |
10 semester Compulsory courses Final Examination Internship Master Final Thesis (Study field: Dentistry) | 30.0 5.0 20.0 5.0 |
*There is one final State Exam for the study programme of Dentistry which consists of two parts (practical and written).
The assessment of the student is directly related to the learning outcomes. The principles of assessment are set out by VU Study Provisions, VU Procedure for the assessment of study results, resolutions of the Council of VU FM and are described in the course description of each study subject.
In all subjects of the study programme in Dentistry, students’ achievements are assessed by examination. The evaluation of the study subjects is performed by applying the principle of an accumulative score, i.e. when, apart from the exam, the final assessment is also determined by tasks, activities and tests throughout the semester (performance in lectures, tests, clinical tasks, presentations and other assessments of self-study, etc.). All requirements for the assessment are provided to students together with the course unit descriptions. Teacher at the beginning of each semester introduce students the assessment requirements. Continues evaluation ensures screening and assessment of students gained knowledge regularly during each semester.
Important information regarding the Lithuanian Language course during the studies
- VU Faculty of Medicine offers students a FREE OF CHARGE Lithuanian Language course;
- B1 level of Lithuanian language is achieved after four semesters of attendance;
- One semester course is 2,5 ECTS credits;
- The student shall attend classes two times per week.
Essential Anatomy App
Why taking the Lithuanian Langue course is important:
- During the clinical courses to communicate with patients. Knowing the language eases communication and considerably helps the learning process.
- Easier to obtain licensing in the country of choice. After graduation of integrated Medicine studies, having B1 level of Lithuanian, graduates may apply for a doctor’s medical practice license according to The Law on Medical Practice of the Republic of Lithuania. That means graduates could get licenses issued in Lithuania. Later on, they could start the practice in Lithuania or another country where the LT license is valid or might help get a license in that country faster and easier. Applying for licenses in Lithuania is not mandatory but might shorten the procedures and time required to obtain a license in another country.
Programme Specific Requirements
The applicants must satisfy the following requirements to be considered for admission:
- Must have the results of one of the following tests:
- SAT Subject Test in Biology E/M MIN score: 500. SAT exam is taken at home country or any other country where the test is offered.Clickhere for further information.
- MCAT Test MIN score: 490. MCAT exam is taken at home country or any other country where the test is offered. Click here for further information.
SAT Subject Test in Biology or MCAT Test is required even for those applicants whose countries of residency do not offer the tests.
SAT Subject Test in Biology and MCAT scores are valid for two years.
Applicants applying through the agencies that VU are in cooperation with, including MediStart, StudiMed, MD International and ISRAMED4U, are not obliged to take SAT Subject Test in Biology or MCAT Test.
- Completion of Biology (or Natural Science/Science) course at the secondary education level is compulsory.
- Completion of either Physics, Mathematics or Chemistry course at the secondary education level is an advantage;
- Applicants who have completed a Premed study programme can apply with completion of either Biology or Chemistry/Physics at the secondary education level. Please submit your Premed Diploma when applying. Please note that not all Premed courses will be accepted. This will be evaluated by the Admission Office and the Faculty. It will also be individually decided if additional SAT/MCAT test is required.
- Applicants who have graduated from Biomedical Sciences/Health Sciences can apply with completion of either Biology or Chemistry/Physics at the secondary education level.
- Please submit your diploma and transcripts when applying. It will also be individually decided if additional premed courses or SAT/ MCAT test is required.
- English language proficiency. TOEFL score: 65+ (internet-based) or IELTS score: 5.5+. Applicants taking SAT Subject Test in Biology are not required to submit any additional
- English language proficiency document.
- Online interview (only for the selected candidates).
In addition, all applicants have to fulfil general admission requirements.
For Transferring Students
The Faculty of Medicine accepts transfer students strictly only to the 2nd and 3rd semester (not any later semesters). If interested, please send a copy of a transcript of academic records from your current university to the coordinator of international studies at the Faculty of Medicine Justė Andrikonytė, e-mail: for the initial evaluation.
Why this programme?
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Triggerfish Temporal range: Eocene–Recent | |
Lagoon triggerfish | |
Scientific classification | |
Kingdom: | Animalia |
Phylum: | Chordata |
Class: | Actinopterygii |
Order: | Tetraodontiformes |
Family: | Balistidae A. Risso, 1810 |
Genera[1] | |
Abalistes |
Triggerfish are about 40 species of often brightly colored fish of the familyBalistidae. Often marked by lines and spots, they inhabit tropical and subtropical oceans throughout the world, with the greatest species richness in the Indo-Pacific. Most are found in relatively shallow, coastal habitats, especially at coral reefs, but a few, such as the oceanic triggerfish (Canthidermis maculata), are pelagic. While several species from this family are popular in the marine aquarium trade, they are often notoriously ill-tempered.[2][3]

Anatomy and appearance[edit]
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The largest member of the family, the stone triggerfish (Pseudobalistes naufragium) reaches 1 m (3.3 ft),[4] but most species have a maximum length between 20 and 50 cm (8–20 in).[2]
Triggerfish have an oval-shaped, highly compressed body. The head is large, terminating in a small but strong-jawed mouth with teeth adapted for crushing shells. The eyes are small, set far back from the mouth, at the top of the head. The anteriordorsal fin is reduced to a set of three spines. The first spine is stout and by far the longest. All three are normally retracted into a groove. Characteristic of the order Tetraodontiformes, the anal and posterior dorsal fins are capable of undulating from side to side to provide slow movement and comprise their primary mode of propulsion. The sickle-shaped caudal fin is used only to escape predators.
The two pelvic fins are overlaid by skin for most of their length and fused to form a single spine, terminated by very short rays, their only external evidence. Gill plates (opercula), although present, are also not visible, overlaid by the tough skin, covered with rough, rhomboid scales that form a stout armor on their bodies. The only gill opening is a vertical slit, directly above the pectoral fins. This peculiar covering of the gill plates is shared with other members of the Tetradontae. Each jaw contains a row of four teeth on either side, while the upper jaw contains an additional set of six plate-like pharyngeal teeth.
As a protection against predators, triggerfish can erect the first two dorsal spines: The first (anterior) spine is locked in place by erection of the short second spine, and can be unlocked only by depressing the second, “trigger” spine, hence the family name “triggerfish”.
With the exception of a few species from the genus Xanthichthys, the sexes of all species in this family are similar in appearance.
The rather bizarre anatomy[clarification needed] of the triggerfish reflects its typical diet of slow-moving, bottom dwelling crustaceans, mollusks, sea urchins and other echinoderms, generally creatures with protective shells and spines. Many will also take small fishes and some, notably the members of the genus Melichthys, feed on algae.[2] A few, for example the redtoothed triggerfish (Odonus niger), mainly feed on plankton.[2] They are known to exhibit a high level of intelligence for a fish, and have the ability to learn from previous experiences.[3][5]
Some triggerfish species can be quite aggressive when guarding their eggs. Both the picasso (Rhinecanthus aculeatus) and titan triggerfish (Balistoides viridescens) viciously defend their nests against intruders, including scuba divers and snorkelers. Their territory extends in a cone from the nest toward the surface, so swimming upwards can put a diver further into the fishes' territory; a horizontal swim away from the nest site is best when confronted by an angry triggerfish. Unlike the relatively small picasso triggerfish, the titan triggerfish poses a serious threat to inattentive divers due to its large size and powerful teeth.[6]
Male territoriality[edit]
Triggerfish males migrate to their traditional spawning sites prior to mating and establish territories. Some male species (i.e.Balistes carolinensis and Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus) build hollow nests within their territories.[7] Triggerfish males are fierce in guarding their territories as having a territory is essential for reproduction. A male's territory is used for spawning and parental care. Most male territories are located over a sandy sea bottom or on a rocky reef. A single territory usually includes more than one female, and the male mates with all of the females residing in or visiting his territory (polygyny). In Hachijojima, Izu Islands, Japan, one male crosshatch triggerfish (Xanthichthys mento) has up to three females in his territory at the same time, and mates with them in pairs. Each male red-toothed triggerfish (Odonus niger) mates with more than 10 females in his territory on the same day.[8] Yellow margin triggerfish (Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus) also exhibit polygyny.
Spawning and biparental care[edit]
Triggerfish spawning is timed in relation to lunar cycles, tides, and time of changeover of tides. In relation to lunar cycles, eggs are observed 2–6 days before the full moon and 3–5 days before the new moon. In relation to tides, spawning happens 1–5 days before the spring tide. In relation to timing of tides, eggs are observed on days when high tides take place around sunset.[9]
Male and female triggerfish perform certain prespawning behaviors: blowing and touching.[8] A male and female blow water on the sandy bottom (usually in the same spot at the same time) and set up their egg site. They touch their abdomens on the bottom as if they are spawning. During actual spawning, eggs are laid on the sandy sea bottom (triggerfish are demersal spawners despite their large size). Eggs are scattered and attached to sand particles. Triggerfish eggs are usually very small (diameter of 0.5–0.6 mm)[9][10] and are easily spread by waves. After spawning, both the male and female participate in caring for the fertilized eggs (biparental egg care). A female triggerfish stays near the spawning ground, around 5 m off the bottom, and guards the eggs within her territory against intruders. Some common intruders include Parupeneus multifasciatus, Zanclus cornutus, Prionurus scalprum, and conspecifics. Besides guarding, females roll, fan, and blow water on eggs to provide oxygen to the embryos, thereby inducing hatching.[11] This behavior of female triggerfish is called 'tending', and males rarely perform this behavior. A male triggerfish stays farther above the eggs and guards all the females and eggs in his territory. Males exhibit aggressive behaviors against conspecific males near the boundaries of their territories.
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Mating systems[edit]
In crosshatch triggerfish (Xanthichthys mento) and yellow margin triggerfish (Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus), eggs are spawned in the morning and they hatch after the sunset on the same day. After hatching of embryos, the female crosshatch triggerfish leaves the male's territory. This mating system is an example of male-territory-visiting polygamy. Triggerfishes exhibit other types of mating systems, as well, such as a nonterritorial-female (NTF) polygyny and territorial-female (TF) polygyny. In NTF polygyny, nonterritorial females stay in the male's territory and reproduce. In TF polygyny, a female owns territory within a male's territory and will spawn in her territory.[8]
Life history[edit]
Triggerfish lay their demersal eggs in a small hole dug in the sea bottom. Off Florida, juveniles of some species of triggerfishes are found in floating Sargassum, where they feed on the small shrimp, crabs, and mollusks found there.[12]
Some species of triggerfish, such as the titan triggerfish, may be ciguatoxic and should be avoided.[2] Others, however, such as the grey triggerfish (Balistes capriscus), are edible.[13]
The reef triggerfish is the state fish of Hawaii.
Most triggerfish are aggressive, but few match the orange-lined triggerfish.[3]
The gilded triggerfish is among the few sexually dimorphic triggerfish. The female lacks the blue throat and yellow fin-edging.
The redtoothed triggerfish is one of the relatively few planktivores of the family.
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The queen triggerfish has elegant extensions to its fins.
Adult sargassum triggerfish live around reefs and banks, but juveniles live around sargassum.
- ^Matsuura, Keiichi (2014). 'Taxonomy and systematics of tetraodontiform fishes: a review focusing primarily on progress in the period from 1980 to 2014'(PDF). Ichthyological Research. 62 (1): 72–113. doi:10.1007/s10228-014-0444-5. S2CID15223867.
- ^ abcdeLieske, Ewald; Myers, Robert (1999). Coral Reef Fishes: Caribbean, Indian Ocean, and Pacific Ocean including the Red Sea. Princeton University Press. ISBN0-691-00481-1.
- ^ abcMcDavid, Jim (July 2007). 'Aquarium Fish: Triggerfish'. Advanced Aquarist. Vol. VI no. VII. Archived from the original on 6 June 2017.
- ^Froese, Rainer and Pauly, Daniel, eds. (2015). 'Pseudobalistes naufragium' in FishBase. February 2015 version.
- ^Debelius, Helmut (1993). Indian Ocean Tropical Fish Guide. Aquaprint Verlags GmbH. ISBN3-927991-01-5.
- ^Randall, J.E.; Millington, J.T. (1990). 'Triggerfish bite – a little-known Marine hazard'. Journal of Wilderness Medicine. 1 (2): 79–85. doi:10.1580/0953-9859-1.2.79.
- ^Lobel, Philip S.; Johannes, Robert E. (September 1980). 'Nesting, egg and larvae of triggerfish (Balistidae)'. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 5 (3): 251–252. doi:10.1007/bf00005359. S2CID3213367.
- ^ abcKawase, Hiroshi (March 2003). 'Spawning behavior and biparental egg care of the crosshatch triggerfish, Xanthichthys mento (Balistidae)'. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 66 (3): 211–219. doi:10.1023/a:1023978722744. S2CID35997227.
- ^ abGladstone, William (March 1994). 'Lek-like spawning, parental care and mating periodicity of the triggerfish Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus (Balistidae)'. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 39 (3): 249–257. doi:10.1007/bf00005127. S2CID36747250.
- ^Kawase, Hiroshi (2003). 'Maternal egg care in the bridled triggerfish, Sufflamen fraenatus (Balistidae) at Hachijojima island, Japan'. Natural History Research. 7: 193–197.
- ^Reebs, Stéphan G. (2011–2015). 'Are fishes good parents?'(PDF). Université de Moncton. Archived(PDF) from the original on 4 March 2016 – via howfishbehave.ca.
- ^Matsuura, K.; Tyler, J.C. (1998). Paxton, John R.; Eschmeyer, William N. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Fishes: A Comprehensive Guide by International Experts. San Diego: Academic Press. pp. 228–229. ISBN0-12-547665-5.
- ^Evans, Jade. 'How To Cook Triggerfish In The Most Delicious Way'. MarvelousChef.com. Archived from the original on 29 July 2017. Retrieved 4 July 2017.
External links[edit]
- Media related to Balistidae at Wikimedia Commons
- Data related to Balistidae at Wikispecies
- The dictionary definition of Balistidae at Wiktionary