Does Nf Use Auto Tune

This article covers how to install the trigger wheels. You can use a variety of sensors with these; we’ve tested them with both Ford and GM VR sensor pickups. We recommend mounting the trigger wheel in the same orientation that Ford used on their EDIS installations when using these trigger wheels on a 4, 6, or 8 cylinder engine, so you can use the same trigger wheel with either direct coil control or EDIS. You will need to install the trigger wheel so the missing tooth is a specific number of degrees ahead of the VR sensor when the engine is at top dead center in order to use the settings in our articles. Most engines rotate clockwise when viewed from the front of the crankshaft pulley, although there are few exceptions such as marine engines and most Hondas. Here’s how many teeth the gap should be ahead of the VR sensor.

Easy to use Online Editor. No download needed. Jump into the web based editor and start customizing right away. The live video preview updates in real time and moves with your music. It only takes a few minutes to make a video. Use simple step based controls or dive deeper with advanced customization options. Auto-Tune is a program that measures and adjusts the pitch of a recording. It has been used for quite a long time to correct slightly off-pitch voice recordings, and it's pretty good at that — most Auto-Tune use you will most likely not hear or detect The autotune effect is widely used by many studio personnel. Does asap usually use auto tune live? Haven't watched much of his shows. NF: CLOUDS (THE MIXTAPE) NF Real Music/Virgin: 61,541. On auto tune VST theres a knob called 'Re-tune' speed - and by having it at a FAST rate makes the tune wobbly. Slowing it down creates a natural curve for the sound. Experiment with these as well as the actual key of the track itself and you'll find yourself mastering the sound - GL.

Number of Cylinders Missing Tooth Location at TDC

Listening to this more than once, I'm crying cos of how good these guys are spittin'! NF turns 30 today! Happy birthday and many more years to you bruh! 🎉🎉 Thanks for giving us quality and wholesome music, I wish you all the best ahead 🙏🏽.

1 9 teeth ahead of the sensor
2 9 teeth ahead of the sensor
4 9 teeth ahead of the sensor
6 6 teeth ahead of the sensor
8 5 teeth ahead of the sensor
12 8 teeth ahead of the sensor

We designed the pulleys with several features to make them easier to mount. All the trigger wheels we currently sell have a 1/2″ center hole and eight radial slots 1/4″ wide for adding locating bolts. The off-center hole is for balancing the wheel and is not meant to be a bolt hole. The spacers are notched to allow using the locating bolts closer to the center of the wheel.

In this article, we’ll demonstrate how to install these trigger wheels using a 1966 Dodge Dart with a slant six. The grille, radiator, and intercooler have been removed, giving easy access to the crankshaft pulley to let us take better pictures; you probably won’t need to do this on your car. Here’s what the original crank pulley looks like, covered with 40 years’ worth of rust and grime. The trigger wheels in this article were not painted yet, but they can and should be painted or powder coated for protection from the elements. They’ll get a final coat of paint once we make a bracket and put it all together.

First, you will need to take a few measurements. Measure the diameter of your crank pulley. You’ll also need to measure your crank bolt, and the length of the new bolt you will need, as well as how long a spacer it will take and how much room there is The slant six has a somewhat unusual crank pulley in that it doesn’t have a bolt in the center to hold the crank pulley in place; instead, the pulley is pressed on. However, it does have a threaded hole in the center of the crankshaft that can be used to add a crank bolt. On this engine, we found that it needed a 8.25″ crank trigger wheel so the teeth would extend past the edge of the pulley, and there was just enough room for a 2″ spacer inside the circle of three bolts.

Here’s the list of parts used in this installation.

  • One TW36-1_825 8.25″ trigger wheel
  • Four TW-SP_2 2″ trigger wheel spacers
  • One 3/4″-16 NF x 3″ bolt
  • One 3/4″ lock washer
  • One 1/4″-NC x 1 1/2″ bolt
  • One 1/4″ lock washer

You’ll want to align the engine with the #1 cylinder at top dead center before putting the trigger wheel in its final location.

Since we’re using a 3/4″ crank bolt and the trigger wheels had a 1/2″ center hole, we drilled the center hole out to 3/4″ on a drill press.

Although they’re larger than the 1/4″ slots and would have required a little drilling on the locating slots, we could have used longer bolts in the existing pulley for locating bolts. However, not all engines will have bolts that can be used for these purposes, so we opted to demonstrate drilling and tapping the pulley for an extra 1/4″ locating bolt. If balance is critical, your best bet is to use two such locating bolts 180 degrees apart.

Stack the lock washer, trigger wheel, and spacers on the new crank bolt, and thread it into the center hole. Install the locating bolt and tighten it a little before tightening down the center crank bolt. Then tighten the locating bolt to lock down the trigger wheel in place.

Now the slant six has a 36-1 wheel installed on the crank. The next step will be to fabricate a bracket to mount the crankshaft position sensor.

Does Nf Use Auto Tune

From Wikipedia:

Network File System (NFS) is a distributed file system protocol originally developed by Sun Microsystems in 1984, allowing a user on a client computer to access files over a network in a manner similar to how local storage is accessed.
  • NFS is not encrypted. Tunnel NFS through an encrypted protocol like Kerberos or (secure) VPN when dealing with sensitive data.
  • Unlike Samba, NFS does not have any user authentication by default, client access is restricted by their IP-address/hostname.
  • NFS expects the user and/or user group ID's are the same on both the client and server. Enable NFSv4 idmapping or overrule the UID/GID manually by using anonuid/anongid together with all_squash in /etc/exports.


Both client and server only require the installation of the nfs-utils package.

It is highly recommended to use a time synchronization daemon to keep client/server clocks in sync. Without accurate clocks on all nodes, NFS can introduce unwanted delays.



Global configuration options are set in /etc/nfs.conf. Users of simple configurations should not need to edit this file.

The NFS server needs a list of exports (see exports(5) for details) which are defined in /etc/exports or /etc/exports.d/*.exports. These shares are relative to the so-called NFS root. A good security practice is to define a NFS root in a discrete directory tree which will keep users limited to that mount point. Bind mounts are used to link the share mount point to the actual directory elsewhere on the filesystem.

Consider this following example wherein:

  1. The NFS root is /srv/nfs.
  2. The export is /srv/nfs/music via a bind mount to the actual target /mnt/music.
Note:ZFS filesystems require special handling of bindmounts, see ZFS#Bind mount.

To make the bind mount persistent across reboots, add it to fstab:

Does Nf Use Auto Tune

Add directories to be shared and limit them to a range of addresses via a CIDR or hostname(s) of client machines that will be allowed to mount them in /etc/exports, e.g.:

Note: When using NFSv4, the nfs root directory is specified by the entry denoted by fsid=0, other directories must be below it. The rootdir option in the /etc/nfs.conf file has no effect on this.
  • The crossmnt option makes it possible for clients to access all filesystems mounted on a filesystem marked with crossmnt and clients will not be required to mount every child export separately. Note this may not be desirable if a child is shared with a different range of addresses.
  • Instead of crossmnt, one can also use the nohide option on child exports so that they can be automatically mounted when a client mounts the root export. Being different from crossmnt, nohide still respects address ranges of child exports.
  • Use an asterisk (*) to allow access from any interface.

It should be noted that modifying /etc/exports while the server is running will require a re-export for changes to take effect:

To view the current loaded exports state in more detail, use:

For more information about all available options see exports(5).

Tip:ip2cidr is a tool to convert an IP ranges to correctly structured CIDR specification.
Note: If the target export is a tmpfs filesystem, the fsid=1 option is required.

Starting the server

Start and enablenfs-server.service.

Warning: A hard dependency of serving NFS (rpc-gssd.service) will wait until the random number generator pool is sufficiently initialized possibly delaying the boot process. This is particularly prevalent on headless servers. It is highly recommended to populate the entropy pool using a utility such as Rng-tools (if TPM is supported) or Haveged in these scenarios.
Note: If exporting ZFS shares, also start/enablezfs-share.service. Without this, ZFS shares will no longer be exported after a reboot. See ZFS#NFS.

Restricting NFS to interfaces/IPs

By default, starting nfs-server.service will listen for connections on all network interfaces, regardless of /etc/exports. This can be changed by defining which IPs and/or hostnames to listen on.

Restartnfs-server.service to apply the changes immediately.

Firewall configuration

To enable access through a firewall, TCP and UDP ports 111, 2049, and 20048 may need to be opened when using the default configuration; use rpcinfo -p to examine the exact ports in use on the server:

When using NFSv4, make sure TCP port 2049 is open. No other port opening should be required:

When using an older NFS version, make sure other ports are open:

To have this configuration load on every system start, edit /etc/iptables/iptables.rules to include the following lines:

The previous commands can be saved by executing:

Warning: This command will override the current iptables start configuration with the current iptables configuration!

If using NFSv3 and the above listed static ports for rpc.statd and lockd the following ports may also need to be added to the configuration:

To apply changes, Restartiptables.service.

Enabling NFSv4 idmapping

This article or section needs expansion.

Reason: Missing lookup information, static binding examples, etc. (Discuss in Talk:NFS#)
  • NFSv4 idmapping does not work with the default sec=sys mount option. [1]
  • NFSv4 idmapping needs to be enabled on both the client and server.
  • Another option is to make sure the user and group IDs (UID and GID) match on both the client and server.
  • Enabling/startingnfs-idmapd.service should not be needed as it has been replaced with a new id mapper:

The NFSv4 protocol represents the local system's UID and GID values on the wire as strings of the form user@domain. The process of translating from UID to string and string to UID is referred to as ID mapping. See nfsidmap(8) for details.

Even though idmapd may be running, it may not be fully enabled. If /sys/module/nfs/parameters/nfs4_disable_idmapping or /sys/module/nfsd/parameters/nfs4_disable_idmapping returns Y on a client/server, enable it by:

Note: The kernel modules nfs4 and nfsd need to be loaded (respectively) for the following paths to be available.

On the client:

On the server:

Set as module option to make this change permanent, i.e.:

To fully use idmapping, make sure the domain is configured in /etc/idmapd.conf on both the server and the client:

See [2] for details.


Users intending to use NFS4 with Kerberos need to start and

Manual mounting

For NFSv3 use this command to show the server's exported file systems:

For NFSv4 mount the root NFS directory and look around for available mounts:

Then mount omitting the server's NFS export root:

If mount fails try including the server's export root (required for Debian/RHEL/SLES, some distributions need -t nfs4 instead of -t nfs):

Note: Server name needs to be a valid hostname (not just IP address). Otherwise mounting of remote share will hang.

Mount using /etc/fstab

Using fstab is useful for a server which is always on, and the NFS shares are available whenever the client boots up. Edit /etc/fstab file, and add an appropriate line reflecting the setup. Again, the server's NFS export root is omitted.

Note: Consult nfs(5) and mount(8) for more mount options.

Some additional mount options to consider:

rsize and wsize
The rsize value is the number of bytes used when reading from the server. The wsize value is the number of bytes used when writing to the server. By default, if these options are not specified, the client and server negotiate the largest values they can both support (see nfs(5) for details). After changing these values, it is recommended to test the performance (see #Performance tuning).
soft or hard
Determines the recovery behaviour of the NFS client after an NFS request times out. If neither option is specified (or if the hard option is specified), NFS requests are retried indefinitely. If the soft option is specified, then the NFS client fails a NFS request after retrans retransmissions have been sent, causing the NFS client to return an error to the calling application.
Warning: A so-called soft timeout can cause silent data corruption in certain cases. As such, use the soft option only when client responsiveness is more important than data integrity. Using NFS over TCP or increasing the value of the retrans option may mitigate some of the risks of using the soft option.
The timeo value is the amount of time, in tenths of a second, to wait before resending a transmission after an RPC timeout. The default value for NFS over TCP is 600 (60 seconds). After the first timeout, the timeout value is doubled for each retry for a maximum of 60 seconds or until a major timeout occurs. If connecting to a slow server or over a busy network, better stability can be achieved by increasing this timeout value.
The number of times the NFS client retries a request before it attempts further recovery action. If the retrans option is not specified, the NFS client tries each request three times. The NFS client generates a 'server not responding' message after retrans retries, then attempts further recovery (depending on whether the hard mount option is in effect).

Does Nf Use Auto Tunes

The _netdev option tells the system to wait until the network is up before trying to mount the share - systemd assumes this for NFS.
Note: Setting the sixth field (fs_passno) to a nonzero value may lead to unexpected behaviour, e.g. hangs when the systemd automount waits for a check which will never happen.

Mount using /etc/fstab with systemd

Another method is using the x-systemd.automount option which mounts the filesystem upon access:

To make systemd aware of the changes to fstab, reload systemd and restart[3].

The factual accuracy of this article or section is disputed.

Reason: Not everyone uses NetworkManager. Refer to Systemd#Running services after the network is up instead? (Discuss in Talk:NFS#)
  • The noauto mount option will not mount the NFS share until it is accessed: use auto for it to be available immediately.
    If experiencing any issues with the mount failing due to the network not being up/available, enableNetworkManager-wait-online.service. It will ensure that has all the links available prior to being active.
  • The users mount option would allow user mounts, but be aware it implies further options as noexec for example.
  • The x-systemd.idle-timeout=1min option will unmount the NFS share automatically after 1 minute of non-use. Good for laptops which might suddenly disconnect from the network.
  • If shutdown/reboot holds too long because of NFS, enableNetworkManager-wait-online.service to ensure that NetworkManager is not exited before the NFS volumes are unmounted.
  • Do not add the mount option as this can lead to ordering cycles within systemd [4]. systemd adds the dependency to the unit for _netdev mount automatically.
  • Using the nocto option may improve performance for read-only mounts, but should be used only if the data on the server changes only occasionally.

As systemd unit

Create a new .mount file inside /etc/systemd/system, e.g. mnt-myshare.mount. See systemd.mount(5) for details.

Note: Make sure the filename corresponds to the mountpoint you want to use.E.g. the unit name mnt-myshare.mount can only be used if you are going to mount the share under /mnt/myshare. Otherwise the following error might occur: systemd[1]: mnt-myshare.mount: Where= setting does not match unit name. Refusing..

What= path to share

Where= path to mount the share

Options= share mounting options

  • Network mount units automatically acquire After dependencies on, and, and gain a Before dependency on unless nofail mount option is set. Towards the latter a Wants unit is added as well.
  • Appendnoauto to Options preventing automatically mount during boot (unless it is pulled in by some other unit).
  • If you want to use a hostname for the server you want to share (instead of an IP address), add to After. This might avoid mount errors at boot time that do not arise when testing the unit.
Tip: In case of an unreachable system, appendForceUnmount=true to [Mount], allowing the share to be (force-)unmounted.

To use mnt-myshare.mount, start the unit and enable it to run on system boot.


To automatically mount a share, one may use the following automount unit:

Disable/stop the mnt-myshare.mount unit, and enable/startmnt-myshare.automount to automount the share when the mount path is being accessed.

Tip:AppendTimeoutIdleSec to enable auto unmount. See systemd.automount(5) for details.

Mount using autofs

Using autofs is useful when multiple machines want to connect via NFS; they could both be clients as well as servers. The reason this method is preferable over the earlier one is that if the server is switched off, the client will not throw errors about being unable to find NFS shares. See autofs#NFS network mounts for details.


Tips and tricks

Performance tuning

Does Nf Use Auto Tuner

When using NFS on a network with a significant number of clients one may increase the default NFS threads from 8 to 16 or even a higher, depending on the server/network requirements:

It may be necessary to tune the rsize and wsize mount options to meet the requirements of the network configuration.

In recent linux kernels (>2.6.18) the size of I/O operations allowed by the NFS server (default max block size) varies depending on RAM size, with a maximum of 1M (1048576 bytes), the max block size of the server will be used even if nfs clients requires bigger rsize and wsize. See is possible to change the default max block size allowed by the server by writing to the /proc/fs/nfsd/max_block_size before starting nfsd. For example, the following command restores the previous default iosize of 32k:

To make the change permanent, create a systemd-tmpfile:

To mount with the increased rsize and wsize mount options:

Furthermore, despite the violation of NFS protocol, setting async instead of sync or sync,no_wdelay may potentially achieve a significant performance gain especially on spinning disks. Configure exports with this option and then execute exportfs -arv to apply.

Warning: Using async comes with a risk of possible data loss or corruption if the server crashes or restarts uncleanly.

Automatic mount handling

This trick is useful for NFS-shares on a wireless network and/or on a network that may be unreliable. If the NFS host becomes unreachable, the NFS share will be unmounted to hopefully prevent system hangs when using the hard mount option [5].

Make sure that the NFS mount points are correctly indicated in fstab:

  • Use hostnames in fstab for this to work, not IP addresses.
  • In order to mount NFS shares with non-root users the users option has to be added.
  • The noauto mount option tells systemd to not automatically mount the shares at boot, otherwise this may cause the boot process to stall.

Create the auto_share script that will be used by cron or systemd/Timers to use ICMP ping to check if the NFS host is reachable:

Note: Test using a TCP probe instead of ICMP ping (default is tcp port 2049 in NFS4) then replace the line:


in the auto_share script above.

Make sure the script is executable:

Next check configure the script to run every X, in the examples below this is every minute.



Finally, enable and startauto_share.timer.

Using a NetworkManager dispatcher

NetworkManager can also be configured to run a script on network status change.

The easiest method for mount shares on network status change is to symlink the auto_share script:

However, in that particular case unmounting will happen only after the network connection has already been disabled, which is unclean and may result in effects like freezing of KDE Plasma applets.

The following script safely unmounts the NFS shares before the relevant network connection is disabled by listening for the pre-down and vpn-pre-down events, make the script is executable:

Note: This script ignores mounts with the noauto option, remove this mount option or use auto to allow the dispatcher to manage these mounts.

Create a symlink inside /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/pre-down to catch the pre-down events:


There is a dedicated article NFS/Troubleshooting.

See also

  • See also Avahi, a Zeroconf implementation which allows automatic discovery of NFS shares.
  • HOWTO: Diskless network boot NFS root
  • Microsoft Services for Unix NFS Client info[dead link 2021-05-17 ⓘ]
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