- IMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10) Posted on Oct 29, 2014 9:37 AM. If you did not use the script re-install Soundflower then uninstall it using the script.
- FIRST try the downloading the Soundflower-2.0b1.dmg installer. After downloading, control-click on Soundflower.pkg and select 'open' (then click 'Open' in the 'unidentified developer' alert window) IF THE INSTALLER FAILS. Look in System Preferences:Sound and see if the old Soundflower devices are still loaded. If so, open a terminal and type.
- Soundflower is a OS X system extension that allows applications to pass audio to other applications. Soundflower is easy to use, it simply presents itself as an audio device, allowing any audio application to send and receive audio with no other support needed. Soundflower is free, open-source, and runs on Mac Intel and PPC computers.
- HD800, HD650, LCD-i4, Final E5000, DQSM Turandot Wavelight, Bifrost2, iFi Zen DAC Sig, Hiby R6 Eddie Current BW2, Yamaha A-S2100 Graham LS6, Tannoy Gold7.
Recently, I have upgrade my mac to Yosemite. And then the problem comes along. I found that my mac always didn't output any sounds. After some searching, I found that in the sound panel of system preference, the sound output device always automatically changes to 'Soundflower(64ch)'. If I change it to 'Internal Speaker', then the sound comes out. How the output device 'Soundflower(2ch)' and 'Soundflower(64ch)' come from? And why the sound output device automatically changes to 'Soundflower(64ch)' every time when I plug in an earphone or restart my mac?
It can also be used on Mavericks or Yosemite but it lacks the Soundflowerbed application that lets you hear audio on your computer while Soundflower is set as the system output device How To Install Soundflower on MacOS High Sierra - YouTub.
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10)
Soundflower Yosemite Valley

Soundflower Yosemite Ca
Posted on Oct 31, 2014 6:13 PM