Go to MyKNX and download ETS5. This can be done either: by visiting the section 'My Account-Products' and then clicking the 'Download' button by visiting the section 'Downloads' and the. Released 13 March 2021, build 1373 Download ETS v5.7.5 New features User Interface & Functionality Allow filtering for secure.
InspireIf you want to program KNX, you need the software ETS. The ETS5 tool software, just like KNX, is unfortunately still underestimated and neglected by many electrical installation companies. Often you hear statements against KNX and therefore against ETS like: 'I don't have the time to get used to it', or: 'This is all so expensive'. I would like to show you here that this is not the case at all.
Sales growth potential with KNX
The opposite is actually the case. Those who know and use KNX and the ETS5 will automatically have more time and more money available after a certain transition period. Why? Because the use of KNX makes many everyday requirements much faster and easier than with conventional installation technology, which means more sales in less time and therefore more profit.

The biggest mistake you can make is NOT to buy the ETS 5. Today, the financial investment for a KNX entry is as low as never before. Everybody already has a laptop and if not: laptops are very cheap to get. Unfortunately, many electrical installation companies are still hesitant to buy an ETS license for about 1000,- Euro (we will show you how you can save money when buying the ETS in a separate article. Often for fear of not getting the investment back.
KNX Alternatives
Knx Ets 5
They prefer to spend a lot of time and money looking for seemingly 'simpler solutions'. This is then the world of KNX Easy, Loxone, LCN etc. You will hardly find an ETS user who will not confirm that KNX is really very simple and is used as the no. 1 solution for most applications.

Private users
While many electrical installation companies continue to look for these simpler solutions, the number of private users of ETS is increasing. More and more homeowners buy ETS themselves and then do their own project planning. In this way, the actual electrical installation specialists are disconnected. This development has already progressed so far that it is now becoming clear that only cooperation at eye level between customer and electrician is really meaningful and customer-oriented.