I'm installing Flash Builder 4.6 on the Mac the Sierra, however it shows a message that the certificate is revoked and will not let you install. I already ran the command sudo spctl -master - disable but still giving the same message. I contacted Apple and it informed me that the problem is with the Adobe.dmg file. Currently I'm using Flah builder 4.6. At some point I need to build a 64 bit for.dmg package for it to work in the latest OS in mac or also soon in windows. I tried searching for the Flash builder 4.7 installer but I can no longer find it. Adobe CS6 Master Collection 32/64bit Torrent Free Download: The Adobe Creative Suite 6 Cloud is a collection of 20+ desktop and mobile apps and services for photography, design, video, web, UX and more. Now you can take your ideas to new places with Photoshop on the iPad, draw and paint with Fresco and design for 3D and AR. Interested in using many of the cool new features in Flash Builder 4.6 including native extensions, I was anxious to install 4.6 and get started. I purchased CS5.5 last year and Flash Builder 4.5 came as part of that suite. I completely uninstalled Flash Builder 4.5 from my system (see below) and went to install FB 4.6. Adobe® Flash® Builder® 4.6 Voluntary Product Accessibility Template The purpose of the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template is to assist Federal contracting officials in making preliminary assessments regarding the availability of commercial Electronic and Information Technology products.
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In Adobe Flash Builder, you can start your application in either run or debug mode. In run mode, your application executes but cannot be suspended or examined. In debug mode, your application can be executed, suspended, and resumed. This allows you to examine, test, and debug your application.

Delete the adt.jar file
This section provides a workaround for a known issue with Flash Builder 4.7 and the BlackBerry Tablet OS SDK for Adobe AIR (262922).
If you are using Adobe Flash Builder 4.6, you can skip this section.
When trying to publish your application using Flash Builder 4.7, you may encounter the following error:

To solve this issue, you must to delete the adt.jar file from the SDK installation folder. This will force the packaging tool to use the adt.jar file provided with Flash Builder 4.7, and will validate namespace 3.4 valid.
- Navigate to the BlackBerry Tablet OS SDK for Adobe AIR installation directory.
Operating System Default location of the adt.jar file in the BlackBerry Tablet OS SDK for Adobe AIR Windows Program FilesResearch In Motionblackberry-tablet-sdk-2.1.0lib Mac /Developer/SDKs/Research In Motion/blackberry-tablet-sdk-2.1.0/lib/ - Delete the adt.jar file.
By default, JAR files are hidden in the Windows environment.
Create a debugconfiguration
To run or debug your application, you must create a launch configuration in Adobe Flash Builder that packages your application and opens it on the BlackBerry Tablet Simulator.
- In Adobe Flash Builder, on the Run menu, click Debug Configurations.
- In the list of configurations, right-click Mobile Application.
- Click New.
- On the Main tab, in the Launch method section, select the On device option.
- Select the Install and launch the application on the device checkbox.
- If you have already configured a BlackBerry Tablet Simulator using the BlackBerry Tablet OS Deployment Setup Wizard, select the BlackBerry Tablet Simulator from the drop-down menu. Otherwise, complete the following steps:
- In the Launch method section, click Configure.
- In the Test devices section, click Add.
- On the Add BlackBerry Tablet OS Test Device screen, in the Device Name field, type a name for the BlackBerry Tablet Simulator.
- In the Device IP field, type the IP address of the simulator.
- Click OK.
- Click OK.
- Click Apply.
- On the Common tab, in the Display in favorites menu section, select the Debug checkbox.
- Click Apply.
- Click Debug to start your application in the BlackBerry Tablet Simulator.
Debug or run your application

- Click the debug icon.
- On the Run menu, expand Debug As. Click Mobile Application.
The Console pane displays any debug output information. You can switch to the Debug perspective for a more detailed view of your debug session.
To run your application using a run configuration, do one of the following:Flash Builder 4.6 Dmg Pro
Flash Builder 4.6 Dmg Software
- Click the run icon.
- On the Run menu, expand Run As. Click Mobile Application.