Apps Like Little Snitch So, these were some of the free and paid alternatives to Little Snitch. It would be nice if Apple would build such detailed functionality into macOS, but they won’t do it for as simple a reason that it’s too hard to use for a regular mac user. Little Snitch is a monitoring or firewall tool that will help you see what is really happening with your data. This tool alerts you every time an application tries to connect to the internet, giving you the possibility of allowing or not allowing the connection, so that no information is shared without your permission, and the decision you make will be remembered by the application not to. Lulu is not only a Little Snitch alternative but one of the best firewall apps for macOS. It’s an open-source app and completely free without any limitations on outbound or inbound connections. Surprisingly, unlike other open-source apps, Lulu looks absolutely great with a beautiful user-friendly design and customizable interface. The list first appeared in 10.15 Catalina but wasn’t enforceable for apps with network kernel extensions, as used by apps like TripMode, Little Snitch, and others. Big Sur changes that, essentially requiring such apps to use different APIs that honor Apple’s exclusion list. You can see the list here in Catalina or Big Sur. Little Snitch is a popular Mac app that detects outbound connections and lets you set up rules to block those connections. Once installed, Little Snitch monitors your internet traffic and every time it detects an outbound connection, for example, Adobe Reader trying to access the internet, it pops up a window and ask you if you want to allow the connection one time, or make a rule to allow.
3 April 2016, 03:57
With the recent incidents of malware attacking the Mac platform, apps like Little Snitch and BlockBlock have started to seem like mandatory choices for anybody who wants a safe Mac.
The apps sit in the background and, in the case of Little Snitch, monitor and inform you about outgoing network connections. BlockBlock monitors for apps being installed that have the characteristics of malware in that they start when the Mac does and aim to run in the background.
I find the use of any malware apps concerning simply because of how such apps essentially destroy the experience of using a Windows computer, wherein developers play upon the fears of users and essentially take-over their computer with intrusive apps.
Little Snitch and BlockBlock are simply not in the same league, and commit none of those sins, but a question remains: Do they slow down a Mac?
And the answer is: Yes. But not by much.
Using Novabench and Geekbench 3, I benchmarked my MacBook Pro (2.8Ghz i7, 16GB RAM) when the apps were installed, and again when they were uninstalled. I ran each benchmark three times in succession, with all other apps terminated and Time Machine not running. The MacBook Pro was connected to a power source.
As always benchmarks are very unscientific but the results are:
Novabench with apps installed:
— 1269
— 1260
— 1288
Novabench with apps uninstalled:
— 1335
— 1363
— 1358
Geekbench 64-bit benchmark with apps installed:
— 3651 (single core), 13150 (multi core)
— 3726 (single core), 14104 (multi core)
— 3728 (single core), 14259 (multi core)
Geekbench 64-bit benchmark with apps uninstalled:
— 3936 (single core), 14312 (multi core)
— 3935 (single core), 14650 (multi core)
— 3953 (single core), 14761 (multi core)

In other words, there’s anywhere up to a 5-6% performance hit if you have those apps installed, although this will depend on what you’re doing with your Mac at the time.
I’ll leave you to make your own summary here: you might consider it worth the hit for the protection you receive, or you might not.
ADDENDUM: Some folks are no-doubt going to want figures with just Little Snitch installed, and not BlockBlock. Here they are:
Novabench with Little Snitch installed:
— 1333
— 1365
— 1315
Geekbench 64-bit benchmark with Little Snitch installed:
— 3683 (single core), 14363 (multi core)
— 3612 (single core), 14424 (multi core)
— 3758 (single core), 14516 (multi core)
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