Choosing the top 10 FPS games for PC could be likened to unilaterally deciding who among the goddesses of Olympus was the fairest. And we all know how that turned out, right? First Person Shooter games have been with us from the earliest days of gaming; driving technical innovation, human and AI creativity, and waxing ever stronger as we speak. I don’t know about you but there is currently nothing better than coming home from work and eating your fill. Then plopping yourself down in front of a properly kitted out PC and proceeding to gun down masses of aliens, weird animals, humans, baddies, and anyone else who looks at you sideways. It sure is good for reducing stress levels and always feels as great as licking up a bucketful of chocolate ice cream.
List of the Best First Person Shooter Games for your PC
If you are a purist and prefer PC gaming, you definitely should take a look at the list we managed to assemble. Some are last year’s releases. Others are a little older still. And yet others are positively ancient. But they do share one common trait that I am sure you are going to love- they are eye and the other senses orgasmically awesome. Since we are not spoiling for a fight or an endless argument the order they are listed is not really important. We apologize if your preferred game failed to make in this list of the best first-person shooter games for PC. Just read up and if you do feel irate kindly let the shooting wars begin only once we are safely out of sight.
Half-Life is one of the most influential first-person shooters of all time The fact that members of its modding community are still active today shows how relevant the game remains since its 1998 debut. One of the biggest products of that modding community was of course Counter-Strike, which would itself prove quite influential in.
- List of the Best First Person Shooter Games for your PC. If you are a purist and prefer PC gaming, you definitely should take a look at the list we managed to assemble. Some are last year’s releases. Others are a little older still. And yet others are positively ancient.
- Also check: Most Played PC Games. Homefront: The Revolution. Homefront: The Revolution is an Open Word First-person Shooter video game and it offers both Single and Multiplayer play. The game offers a futuristic setting of the year 2029 and leaves you in an alternate reality in a different timeline.
1. Battlefield 1
Unlike the other games in the series, this particular one is set in the tumultuous waterfront story of World War 1. Developed by the magnificent duo of EA and DICE it offers a particularly surreal look at the Great War in all it’s gory and ultra-realistic detail. The single-player mode in this game is just great.
Along with a realistically destructible environment, weapons, and tactics, you get a fresh and new look at an oft-forgotten or misremembered war. With an emphasis on historical accuracy and single and online multiplayer modes, this is a game to die for, literally!
2. Titanfall 2
Yea it seems incredible, but Respawn Entertainment and EA managed to reinvent and radically improve their extremely innovative Titanfall FPS series with the new Titanfall 2. Rather than a Microsoft exclusive as the first game was, the new game was made available across a wide range of devices, thereby broadening its appeal and allowing the fun, excitement, and suspense to be shared among a wider section of the gaming community.
Feel a hankering to Parkour with a Mecha in an open world without limits, as well as join your friends in an astoundingly polished and satisfying multiplayer battle? Then you came to the right place, pardner! Let us pray and prepare for battle.
3. Doom (2016)
id Software in association with Bethesda Softworks thought up a really frightful way to start scaring us anew with their latest Doom release. Building on the scary reputation of its spine-tingling predecessors the latest game again has our hero battling a myriad array of demonic forces let loose on Mars by the United Aerospace Corporation. Stop to take a needed breather and you will soon find yourself surrounded by the forces of Hell and turned into minced meat.
With a multiplicity of big guns, big action, and big and definitely frightful villains, is it any wonder it has all the right ingredients to make your day and mine too frightfully gory if action-crammed.
4. Homefront: The Revolution
Produced by Dambuster Studios and published by Deep Silver, Homefront The Revolution leverages on the success of its predecessor to present us with an incredibly exciting shoot-em-up that hits all the right pleasure-giving spots. The year is 2029 and unfancied North Korea rules America brutally oppressing its populace and strip mining its resources. It’s your chance to be the hero and teach those slant eyes a thing or two about how Americans mess up their enemies.
Sporting really extensive weapons customization, intense combat scenarios, and an open world full of all manner of dangers you can explore at your own pace, the game takes pride of place among the best shooters ever. Want to join a killing revolution? Then you got the right game.
5. Overwatch
With its multiplicity of deserved awards as well as a very diverse range of characters to pick and choose from, Overwatch is a truly incredible game you get to see and play maybe twice in a lifetime. Developed and published by Blizzard entertainment it’s a squad-based combat multiplayer online game the stuff drooling daydreams are made of. With its ultra-emphasis on team spirit and camaraderie, you get to appreciate and experience just what it takes to make a diverse collection of individuals function as an indivisible one.
Think of Team Fortress 2 on a daily dose of steroids for half a year and you might have a rough idea just what this oh-so-beautiful game is capable of.
6. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Remastered

The original Call OF Duty 4 Modern Warfare was the first game in the iconic series to be set in modern times away from the World War 2 emphasis of its still awesome predecessors. Still, due to the evolution of tech, most modern consoles were unable to play it anymore. As a result, heartsick fans launched a successful online petition that forced publisher Activision and developer Raven Software to re-release the old but still very much beloved shooter in a remastered format that drastically improved graphics, audio, weaponry, multiplayer, and frame rates to take full advantage of the power of today’s computing.
In fact, the game engine used is the same as that on the COD Advanced Warfare, which tells you all you and your gaming hand really needs to know to start flexing in anticipation.
7. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

From the loins of Hidden Path Entertainment and published by Valve Corporation, Counter-Strike Global Offensive is a team-based combat FPS. You can either be a Terrorist or a Counter-Terrorist and as such seek to achieve your team goals at the expense of the other team.
Packing all the weapons and customization you might ever need as well as a number of properly killingly awesome game modes, is it any wonder it’s one of the most popular FPS shooters around that offers a big and extra loud bang for the buck. But with some players spending decades honing their skills on the game, don’t expect to reach the top of the global leaderboards anytime soon.
8. Half-Life 2
The result of a supreme effort by Valve Corporation, Half-Life 2 delivers on its promises in spades. As a result, it has sometimes been called the greatest ever FPS game. And with 39 Game Of The Year awards and an entry into the Guinness Book of World Records that is definitely not an idle boast.
Valve went out of their way to reinvent the game, and the results delightfully show. From an intensely detailed and still memorable environment, realistic and flexible game physics, and graphics to smart AI, it’s all really incredible achievement for its time. And we sure are glad to have been able to witness it.
9. Left 4 Dead 2
Developed and published by Valve Corporation, Left for Dead 2 is a survival horror shoot-em-up that scares the heebyjeebies out of you. Based on team combat, every team member must therefore pitch in or else all is lost and the infected undead gleefully chomps you for breakfast. Not some dime-a-dozen zombies these; these are rather the mother of all zombie types with a range of abilities and powers that perpetually keep you on the edge of your seat barely able to keep yourself from pissing your pants in fear.
Extremely graphic it was even banned in some countries which had the unintended consequence of widening its appeal. The action is fast-paced, the suspense is nerve-damaging and the fright factor has been given a massive dose of crack cocaine. Any wonder then it’s one frightfully good bag of endless fun.

10. Far Cry 4
The Far Cry series really needs no introduction, not to ardent game geeks like me and you anyway. From Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft, it features what must surely be the most lovable rogue ever in the delightfully eccentric Pagan Min, lord of Kyrat. Sporting a massive open world with ginormous mountains, forests, and jungles just begging to be explored, you get to battle both human and animal enemies, and hunt and skin a variety of animals. And best of all, even ride a wildly trumpeting elephant on your way to war.
All the weaponry and vehicles to ramp up the fun are made available, as are a ton of DLC that keeps you wildly salivating and your trigger finger ever-cocked and ready. It all goes to show it’s not really a Far Cry to gaming paradise if you know what to look for!
How did you like our list of the best FPS games ever? Awed were you? Or grimacing in disgust? Well, the great thing about first-person shooters is that are usually about as many opinions on them as there are players. The stranglehold FPS’s currently have on the gaming community and your PC hard drive shows no sign of lessening. And with new releases scheduled every year and the tech ever-improving and evolving, it’s a whole new world beyond 2017. For gaming, you and your awesome PC.
Choosing the top 10 FPS games for PC could be likened to unilaterally deciding who among the goddesses of Olympus was the fairest. And we all know how that turned out, right? First Person Shooter games have been with us from the earliest days of gaming; driving technical innovation, human and AI creativity, and waxing ever stronger as we speak. I don’t know about you but there is currently nothing better than coming home from work and eating your fill. Then plopping yourself down in front of a properly kitted out PC and proceeding to gun down masses of aliens, weird animals, humans, baddies, and anyone else who looks at you sideways. It sure is good for reducing stress levels and always feels as great as licking up a bucketful of chocolate ice cream.
List of the Best First Person Shooter Games for your PC
If you are a purist and prefer PC gaming, you definitely should take a look at the list we managed to assemble. Some are last year’s releases. Others are a little older still. And yet others are positively ancient. But they do share one common trait that I am sure you are going to love- they are eye and the other senses orgasmically awesome. Since we are not spoiling for a fight or an endless argument the order they are listed is not really important. We apologize if your preferred game failed to make in this list of the best first-person shooter games for PC. Just read up and if you do feel irate kindly let the shooting wars begin only once we are safely out of sight.

1. Battlefield 1
Unlike the other games in the series, this particular one is set in the tumultuous waterfront story of World War 1. Developed by the magnificent duo of EA and DICE it offers a particularly surreal look at the Great War in all it’s gory and ultra-realistic detail. The single-player mode in this game is just great.
Along with a realistically destructible environment, weapons, and tactics, you get a fresh and new look at an oft-forgotten or misremembered war. With an emphasis on historical accuracy and single and online multiplayer modes, this is a game to die for, literally!
2. Titanfall 2
Yea it seems incredible, but Respawn Entertainment and EA managed to reinvent and radically improve their extremely innovative Titanfall FPS series with the new Titanfall 2. Rather than a Microsoft exclusive as the first game was, the new game was made available across a wide range of devices, thereby broadening its appeal and allowing the fun, excitement, and suspense to be shared among a wider section of the gaming community.
Feel a hankering to Parkour with a Mecha in an open world without limits, as well as join your friends in an astoundingly polished and satisfying multiplayer battle? Then you came to the right place, pardner! Let us pray and prepare for battle.

3. Doom (2016)
id Software in association with Bethesda Softworks thought up a really frightful way to start scaring us anew with their latest Doom release. Building on the scary reputation of its spine-tingling predecessors the latest game again has our hero battling a myriad array of demonic forces let loose on Mars by the United Aerospace Corporation. Stop to take a needed breather and you will soon find yourself surrounded by the forces of Hell and turned into minced meat.
With a multiplicity of big guns, big action, and big and definitely frightful villains, is it any wonder it has all the right ingredients to make your day and mine too frightfully gory if action-crammed.
4. Homefront: The Revolution
Produced by Dambuster Studios and published by Deep Silver, Homefront The Revolution leverages on the success of its predecessor to present us with an incredibly exciting shoot-em-up that hits all the right pleasure-giving spots. The year is 2029 and unfancied North Korea rules America brutally oppressing its populace and strip mining its resources. It’s your chance to be the hero and teach those slant eyes a thing or two about how Americans mess up their enemies.
Sporting really extensive weapons customization, intense combat scenarios, and an open world full of all manner of dangers you can explore at your own pace, the game takes pride of place among the best shooters ever. Want to join a killing revolution? Then you got the right game.
5. Overwatch
With its multiplicity of deserved awards as well as a very diverse range of characters to pick and choose from, Overwatch is a truly incredible game you get to see and play maybe twice in a lifetime. Developed and published by Blizzard entertainment it’s a squad-based combat multiplayer online game the stuff drooling daydreams are made of. With its ultra-emphasis on team spirit and camaraderie, you get to appreciate and experience just what it takes to make a diverse collection of individuals function as an indivisible one.
Think of Team Fortress 2 on a daily dose of steroids for half a year and you might have a rough idea just what this oh-so-beautiful game is capable of.
6. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Remastered
The original Call OF Duty 4 Modern Warfare was the first game in the iconic series to be set in modern times away from the World War 2 emphasis of its still awesome predecessors. Still, due to the evolution of tech, most modern consoles were unable to play it anymore. As a result, heartsick fans launched a successful online petition that forced publisher Activision and developer Raven Software to re-release the old but still very much beloved shooter in a remastered format that drastically improved graphics, audio, weaponry, multiplayer, and frame rates to take full advantage of the power of today’s computing.
In fact, the game engine used is the same as that on the COD Advanced Warfare, which tells you all you and your gaming hand really needs to know to start flexing in anticipation.
7. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
From the loins of Hidden Path Entertainment and published by Valve Corporation, Counter-Strike Global Offensive is a team-based combat FPS. You can either be a Terrorist or a Counter-Terrorist and as such seek to achieve your team goals at the expense of the other team.
Packing all the weapons and customization you might ever need as well as a number of properly killingly awesome game modes, is it any wonder it’s one of the most popular FPS shooters around that offers a big and extra loud bang for the buck. But with some players spending decades honing their skills on the game, don’t expect to reach the top of the global leaderboards anytime soon.
8. Half-Life 2
Active Shooter Pc Game
The result of a supreme effort by Valve Corporation, Half-Life 2 delivers on its promises in spades. As a result, it has sometimes been called the greatest ever FPS game. And with 39 Game Of The Year awards and an entry into the Guinness Book of World Records that is definitely not an idle boast.
Valve went out of their way to reinvent the game, and the results delightfully show. From an intensely detailed and still memorable environment, realistic and flexible game physics, and graphics to smart AI, it’s all really incredible achievement for its time. And we sure are glad to have been able to witness it.
9. Left 4 Dead 2
Developed and published by Valve Corporation, Left for Dead 2 is a survival horror shoot-em-up that scares the heebyjeebies out of you. Based on team combat, every team member must therefore pitch in or else all is lost and the infected undead gleefully chomps you for breakfast. Not some dime-a-dozen zombies these; these are rather the mother of all zombie types with a range of abilities and powers that perpetually keep you on the edge of your seat barely able to keep yourself from pissing your pants in fear.
Extremely graphic it was even banned in some countries which had the unintended consequence of widening its appeal. The action is fast-paced, the suspense is nerve-damaging and the fright factor has been given a massive dose of crack cocaine. Any wonder then it’s one frightfully good bag of endless fun.
10. Far Cry 4
The Far Cry series really needs no introduction, not to ardent game geeks like me and you anyway. From Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft, it features what must surely be the most lovable rogue ever in the delightfully eccentric Pagan Min, lord of Kyrat. Sporting a massive open world with ginormous mountains, forests, and jungles just begging to be explored, you get to battle both human and animal enemies, and hunt and skin a variety of animals. And best of all, even ride a wildly trumpeting elephant on your way to war.
All the weaponry and vehicles to ramp up the fun are made available, as are a ton of DLC that keeps you wildly salivating and your trigger finger ever-cocked and ready. It all goes to show it’s not really a Far Cry to gaming paradise if you know what to look for!
Active Shooter Pc Game
How did you like our list of the best FPS games ever? Awed were you? Or grimacing in disgust? Well, the great thing about first-person shooters is that are usually about as many opinions on them as there are players. The stranglehold FPS’s currently have on the gaming community and your PC hard drive shows no sign of lessening. And with new releases scheduled every year and the tech ever-improving and evolving, it’s a whole new world beyond 2017. For gaming, you and your awesome PC.